Rev. Carol Bodeau
Dear Friends,
I am writing this note to you the day after we as a congregation celebrated 10 years of service to Westside, and also my recent marriage. What fabulous parties UUs throw!
One thing that the last couple of weeks have made clear to me is that our congregation loves to recognize and celebrate the gifts, talents and commitment of its members—whether that is the minister, or lay leaders, or new people who have just arrived and are finding their way in the congregation. And we have so much to celebrate!

As I said during yesterday’s service, one of the reasons Westside is thriving right now is that, despite the challenges of our current world, and the ups and downs that any public institution faces, we have held to our center: love and care. Our newly articulated slogan, “Love Unites, Caring Connects, Community Thrives” is proving to be accurate and true. When we remember that love for the world, for our values, and for one another is at the center of what we do, then we are able to find ways to care for one another and for the web of life of which we are a part. And when we do that, we thrive both because we feel like we can make a difference in challenging times, and because we have common purpose.
In these times of great change and challenge, a community like ours is essential to maintaining a sense of direction, of hope, and of shared support and belonging. I certainly felt all those things as my husband, Tracy, and I received your incredible gifts of hugs, cards, financial support for our farm, and all the well-wishes you shared with us. And I certainly feel a deep sense of belonging, shared purpose, connection and love for this community, which I hope to continue serving in good ways for many more years to come.
With gratitude for each and every one of you, and faith that the future we will build together is bright.
Rev. Carol