By Elizabeth Corbett, Programs &
Membership Coordinator
It’s a rainy Labor Day, and I hope you are enjoying the day off and doing what you want to do with it. And here I am, toiling diligently on my update for the month!!
I’m working mostly on the kids’ event planned for September 18th after the Legacy service. Here are a few details:
● I’m designing a scavenger hunt, and some of that will entail the children, for example, finding someone who has traveled to Europe, so they may be coming up to you and asking a few questions.
● I also hope to have corn hole available, but I don’t have the boards, so if one of you has them, will you email me at and bring them along that day?
● I might get some chalk so kids can draw in the parking lot. If it’s raining like today, I may bag that idea or set up a drawing table inside.
● Food: I hope to do something “autumn-like” such as making caramel apples or ice cream sundaes with fall-themed toppings.
● It would be along UU lines to do a little service project. I’m envisioning something simple like writing cards to children in foster care or residents of assisted living facilities. I have plenty of cards, but I’d like a volunteer to help oversee this activity (which might mean helping kids pick out a card and write a message). Email me at if you’d like to do this.
● If you’ve got teenagers around who need volunteer hours for something, I’d be happy to sign off on this if they help.
So this kids’ event comes after our Legacy service. That is not an accident. The idea of “legacy” can get us all thinking about what our place is in this community and what is possible in the future. When I think of “legacy,” I think of people or events that leave a lasting impression, someone or something that contributes to or changes the story of a place in a vital way. I think Jimmy Carter created a legacy with all of his election monitoring and volunteering with Habitat for Humanity after his presidency. And I know you all can think of your own examples. A big part of “legacy” is about the future; children today are our future citizens and leaders. Our church can certainly grow and thrive without an RE program because we can leave a legacy in so many different ways. But will we feel empty and dissatisfied without children? Will we feel as if something is missing? Those are important questions that I don’t have an answer to, but I do know bringing in new members, more families, more people who can help us forge our church’s legacy–whatever it is– is what we all can work on.