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Of Groundhogs and Tater Tots

By Linda Fippin, past-president, subbing for Barry Shumpert

Surprise! It’s me again. If you’ve ever been a member of the Westside Board of Trustees, you’ll know that this is a very busy time of the year with congregational meetings on the horizon and budget planning and a host of other items on your to-do list. Our Board President, Barry Shumpert, is just swamped, so I am stepping in to write this month’s blog.

Now the groundhog is eating tater tots!
Now the groundhog is eating tater tots!

Having to write a blog again does feel to me a tiny bit like the movie Groundhog Day, but fortunately without waking up to Sonny and Cher singing I Got You Babe on my alarm clock. Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch, but I do want to talk about Groundhog Day – not the movie, but the Westside annual auction which will be held on Sunday, February 2, which is, of course, Groundhog Day. After our Sunday service, there will be a potluck lunch, games, Westsiders providing entertainment and a silent auction.

We are still looking for items for the auction, especially outings, experiences – dare we say adventures even. Some tangible items are also needed. If you have an item or an event that you would like to place in the auction, please send an email to If you are looking for your big break on stage, there is still room for more entertainers. Sing a song, tell a joke, read a poem, do an interpretive dance, juggle cantaloupes, do impersonations – whatever your talent is. If you’d like to participate in the fun, send an email to

February 2, in addition to being Groundhog Day, is also designated for celebrating a plethora of other things. I personally am in favor of celebrating National Tater Tot Day. Mmm! To add to the fun and festive atmosphere of the auction, why not Google “February 2 holidays’” pick a holiday and bring or do something that represents it to the auction. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come that day, but if I could, I would bring a tater tot casserole to the potluck. But you could wear a costume or a funny hat or find a humorous reading about ukuleles or marmots. Just use your imagination.

To be more serious for a moment, the annual auction is important for several reasons. For one thing, the funds raised comprise a significant part of Westside’s operating budget for the next fiscal year. It is also a chance for us to spend some time together and have some fun, share some food and enjoy watching our friends show us their talents and skills. In this time of great uncertainty and anxiety about the future, we will need opportunities like this to remind us that we are a community of caring individuals who support one another and can gather together for companionship and shared laughter. And maybe Tater Tots!


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