By Barry Shumpert, president of the Board of Trustees
I hope you have noticed the improvements that have taken place in our building recently. Those old heavy, clunky folding tables that we avoided using have been replaced with new light-weight ones; “new” thrift-store furniture has been added to the conference room and nursery; work is underway to beautify the narthex (that hallway between the entry and the sanctuary); and a new projector and speaker system have been installed in the sanctuary. Even more enhancements are coming soon. All these good things are happening because of the hard work of various church committees. These committees are staffed by volunteers, each of whom saw where their particular talents could be used to better our facility. I ask each of you to think about what talents you have that could be put to good use here. Working together on areas of common interests is the key to our church's progress.

Here are a few areas where Westside is poised to make significant progress and needs volunteers to make it happen:
• If you're concerned with keeping our congregation safe and healthy, consider joining the Safety and Security Committee. This group is working to develop strategies for responding to everything from medical emergencies to unwelcome intruders to vandalism. We are already working to get defibrillators and training in their use, but there are numerous other issues yet to be solved. See Bridget Ross if you'd like to be a part of this important effort.
• For those looking for more hands-on involvement in this area, Safety Volunteers are needed to keep an eye on things during our Sunday services and to be ready to respond to any situations that come up. Jerry Thornton can fill you in on the details about this opportunity.
• Volunteers are also needed as we begin the important task of rebuilding our Religious Exploration program. We are starting by providing all-ages childcare on an as-needed basis. We have enough volunteers to provide the primary care, but need others who can just be present to assist and make sure everything is going well. Please let Reverend Carol know if you would like to apply your talents to this effort.
• I know from experience that many of you have excellent people skills. You are very good at engaging with people you know and welcoming those you meet for the first time. Why not put these talents to work by volunteering to be a Greeter for our Sunday services? Alice Thornton would be thrilled to explain everything you need to know about filling this important role.
There are plenty of other ways to enrich our community with your talents. By taking part in our anti-racism workshop, for instance, you can help Westside become more welcoming while strengthening our connection with The Bottom, an important resource in Knoxville's African-American community. And participating in the Build Your Own Theology program and the Thursday evening discussion group helps give Westside a stronger spiritual foundation.
Finally, I want to tell you about a big change in the Share-the-Plate program that we have used for many years to contribute funds to community organizations. The Board of Trustees has decided to replace this program with a new Justice and Generosity Partnership Program. This new program will focus on developing long-term partnerships with worthwhile organizations in the Knoxville area. Not only will we contribute financially to these groups, we will also work with them to educate ourselves about the community needs they support and contribute our time and energy to helping them perform their missions. Stay tuned for more details as we roll out this new initiative.
So, there is a lot going on at Westside right now, and there are plenty of opportunities for each of you to be part of it. Why not find a need that matches your interests and abilities and jump right in?!