By Elizabeth Corbett, Programs & Membership Coordinator
As Programs and Membership chair, I often encourage Westsiders to get involved with the greater community by chipping in money or offering in-kind donations to our Justice and Generosity Partners. Today I’d like to write about a few simple ways you can volunteer and help Westside run smoothly.

You might have seen an article in the Wednesday newsletter asking for help with live streaming during the service. Can you do this? Some knowledge of technology is needed, but Brad knows a lot and can instruct you on what to do. It is important for Westside to have this virtual option available–it is a way to reach potential members and to connect with each other. It’d be good for Westside to have a second (or third!) person around who can do this job when he cannot. Contact Brad at if you want to know more about this.
Just like we count on the livestream, we Westsiders also like our coffee! Isn’t it comforting to have that warm cup in your hand and a little goodie to nibble on after the service? Getting the coffee ready is really quite simple and involves getting to church a little early to set it up. If you can make coffee at home, you can do it at Westside. You’ll get clear instructions on how to run the dishwasher also when it’s time to clean up! See Anne Harvey or Michele Niefing to learn more about this.
Being a greeter is also an important part of what we do at Westside. Just like coffee preparation, being a greeter is not that difficult. Getting to church early is necessary, but the only other necessity is a smile and a happy face. Can you do that? See Alice Thornton for more information and a 5-minute training.
And lastly, Westside’s renewed Religious Exploration program can use more volunteers. I hope you’ve seen the articles in the newsletter and in the order of service! This fall we’ve been offering childcare every week for children, and starting in January, Leslie Brussel-Smith will provide a structured lesson on the first Sunday of every month. But we need volunteers for the other Sundays! No need to create a lesson on those days, but if you want to read a story or bring in a craft project, that’s OK. Get more info from Leslie at
And I’m going to set a good example–I’m going to sign up for at least two of these volunteer positions today. Today! Will you do the same? And if you have any other questions or suggestions, email me at