Adult Religious Exploration Opportunities
Westside offers a variety of Religious Exploration programming for Adults, both in-person and on Zoom. Below are descriptions of our regularly scheduled offerings. For one-time or special events, see our events page.
Note: Visitors and non-members are welcome to attend our Zoom offerings. For the safety and privacy of our members, if you are a visitor and would like to access our Zoom offerings, you must provide your email and phone number in our Connection Card. Indicate that you would like to be contacted by either our Minister or our Programs & Membership Coordinator.
Visitors with unknown or unreachable contact information will not be granted access to our Zoom content.
Zoom Offerings
Links to our Zoom content are found in our weekly email newsletter. You can subscribe here.
If the Spirit Moves You...
at 6:30p on Zoom
Sharing stories and conversations is a way to break barriers, a way to find common ground in a divided world. This group uses conversations and stories to find peace, explore spirituality, and share joy in what is around us. Our topics range from backyard gardens to the Garden of Eden. We explore books, poetry, religious beliefs, social justice issues, and so much more.

Thursday Evening Conversations
Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m. on Zoom
This is an ongoing Adult RE series which meets for discussion on various topics. Each session is stand alone and can be joined at any time. Our topics include those specific to UU values (LGBTQ, racial justice, religious exploration, etc.) and more general topics of interest.
We have a new topic each week! Please check the newsletter for what we are currently discussing.

Book Club
Typically meets on the
Fourth Sunday
of each Month, 10 a.m.
on Zoom
Calling all readers! Join our Book Club for a lively discussion about books. We read fiction, non-fiction, and the occasional biography. The Book Club currently meets once a month on Zoom. And we have our own page on the site! Click here to go to the Book Club page.

Spiritual Discussions
Meets first Sunday of the month,
12:30 - 2p
Join Rev. Carol Bodeau on the first Sunday of each month (Beginning in March) from 12:30-2pm to discuss spiritual topics, learn about how other traditions address the 'big questions,' and share your own journey with faith and whatever is sacred to you. We will explore writings by authors from a wide range of traditions and genres, and talk about topics like: What happens when we die? Is there a divine presence? Are humans inherently good or bad? What is prayer, and why do people practice it?
We meet monthly, and you can join in any time for as many sessions as you like. Bag lunches are welcome if you want to eat while we chat.

1st Sundays following potluck: Spiritual Discussions—Building Our Own Theologies
Using the format of the UUA curriculum “Building Your Own Theology,” our monthly Spiritual Discussions for the fall (September – December) will focus on exploring our faith journeys. We all have a set of beliefs or assumptions about reality that shape our lives. What is your religious ‘story’ (your early experiences, your personal choices to shift towards or away from the religions of your childhood), and where do you want to go next? Sharing our stories, our questions, and our hopes together gives us a chance to deepen our own personal theologies.
Led by Rev. Carol Bodeau

This winter and spring:
Anti-Racism and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
2nd and 4th Sundays
Based on the book Do the Work! An Antiracist Activity Book by W. Kamau Bell and Kate Schatz, we will be exploring our own ability to develop an anti-racist framework as individuals. This book was recommended by the staff at The Bottom as a beginning place to begin this work as allies to BIPOC people in our community. If you plan to participate, please plan to purchase a copy of the book (which is a workbook). Rev. Carol also has a few copies available for those for whom purchasing is not an option, so just let her know you’d like to use one.
Led by Rev. Carol Bodeau

1/26/25: White Defensiveness (pages 19-28)
2/9/25: Racism and White Supremacy (pages 30-37)
2/23/25: AntiRacism (pages 38-41)
3/9/25: Privilege (pages 43-53)
3/23/25: Bootstrapping and Intersectionality (pages 54-60)
4/13/25: American History (pages 63-73)
4/27/25: Untold Histories (pages 74-86)
5/11/25: Empowerment (pages 90-97)
5/25/25: What's Your Lane (pages 99-105)
6/8/25: Using Our Voices (pages 106-113)
6/22/25: Using Our Bodies and Policing (pages 114-119)
7/13/25: Allyship and Action (pages 120-130)
7/27/25: Stepping in it (and we will...) (pages 131-139
8/10/25: Next Steps
Get creative with us!
Arts & Crafts Club
First Saturday of each Month,
12-2 p.m.
in the Adult RE Room
Westside would like to welcome its artists (including budding, closet and wishful artists) whether your thing is drawing, painting, knitting, crocheting, quilting, wood carving, jewelry making or any art or craft (maybe not chainsaw sculpture) to join our new arts and crafts group.

The goal is to have a place where we can work on our various projects, share our experience and learn from each other in a cordial and supportive environment.
As Rev. Carol has recently said, “Art is a powerful tool for self-expression and reaching others deeply. Art is for fun, for communication, for exploration and for transformation of ourselves and the world.”
Poetry Writing Group
Meets online via email
Are you looking for a creative outlet to share your work and connect with fellow wordsmiths? Look no further!
We're excited to announce a brand new virtual format for our poetry writing group. Led by the Westsider Alice Frost-Dearing, this innovative approach will allow you to participate at your own pace throughout the month.
Here's how it works:
Monthly Inspiration: In the first week of each month, Alice will send out an email with a new writing prompt based on thought-provoking UU topics.
Creative Freedom: Throughout the month, members are encouraged to respond with their crafted poems and any resulting discussions directly in the email reply thread.
Sharing the Spotlight: At the month's end, Alice will curate a beautiful online space (either a blog or an email reply) showcasing the group's collective talent and insightful conversations.
This format allows for greater flexibility and encourages more participation from our poetry community.
Ready to join the fun? See our newsletter for more information. Alice's contact information is in the directory.

Social Connections
The First Sunday of each month,
after the service.
Our potlucks are a way for us to come together as a community and enjoy a meal. If you can, please bring a delicious main dish, side dish, or dessert to share. But even if you don't bring something, stay anyway. There's plenty of food for everyone.
First Sunday Potluck

Second Monday Lunch
Our 2nd Monday Lunch is an opportunity for Westsiders to get together and converse about their lives and the news of the day. Held on the second Monday of each month (hence the title!) at a restaurant in the East Tennessee area. See the newsletter for the next date and location.
Second Monday of each month,
11:30 a.m.
Location varies

Earth Church
East Tennessee
Earth Church is a part of the Wild Church network, and a ministry of Westside UU Church . We meet the fourth Sunday of each month, from 2-4 pm in the afternoon, to share sacred time outdoors, fellowship and some light snacks.
Meetings outdoors (weather permitting)
at Westside at 2pm
On the fourth Sunday of the month.
Fourth Sunday of each Month, 2 -4 p.m.
Outdoors at Westside
(Weather permitting)

Events for 2024-- 2025 Schedule Coming Soon!
• Sunday, March 17th: Spring Equinox gathering --celebrating Ostara, the earth-based holiday honoring the balance of light and darkness with the arrival of Spring
• Sunday, April 21st : regular gathering
• Sunday, May 19th regular gathering
• Sunday, June 16th: Summer Solstice Gathering
• Sunday, July 21st regular gathering
• Sunday, August No August Gathering
• Sunday, September 22: no gathering due to Spirit Quest retreat
• Sunday, October 27th regular gathering
• Sunday, November 24th regular gathering
• Sunday, December 22: Yule Celebration A longer ritual, including our end-of-year feast.
If you are interested in Earth Church, you might also enjoy:
• Spiritual Practices, Sunday mornings at 9:30am (indoors)
• Spiritual Discussion Group: First Sundays at 12:30
• Retreats and Field trips: throughout the year, including our annual Spirit Quest fall camping trip at Elkmont in the Great Smoky Mountains
Westside is part of the Wild Church network.