A Month of Sundays
Our Sunday service begins at 11 a.m., and is livestreamed to YouTube. The live stream begins at 10:55, with announcements. Click here to visit our YouTube page. Our previous live streams are archived there as well.
Below are our upcoming service topics.
Every Sunday
Spiritual Practices Our early Sunday morning service featuring meditation and breathing practices, quiet singing and gentle drumming, and simple yoga movements.
Sunday, February 16th: Information coming soon. Presented by David Howell
Sunday, February 23rd: An Update from The Bottom The Bottom, our Justice and Generosity partner for this quarter, serves the community through a Black-affirming bookshop and arts program. A member of their staff will update us on the work of this vital organization.
Antiracism work group meets at 12:30pm.
Earth Church meets at 2:00pm.
Sunday, March 2nd: Justice and Generosity for UUs Rev. Carol Bodeau
At Westside, we prioritize living our values through actions of care, courage and compassion in our community. In our denomination, the Unitarian Universalist Association works through a number of different offices, agencies, and informal coalitions to do justice on a wider scale. Today we learn about all the ways we can broaden our engagement through connecting to the larger UU community.
Potluck follows today’s service.
Spiritual Discussions at 12:30
Sunday, March 9th: Well Life on the Farm… Rev. Carol Bodeau
Contrary to the lyrics of the popular John Denver song, life on a farm is rarely “laid back.” It is, however, ripe with lessons for our lives and for the larger world. Today, Rev. Carol shares some stories of farm adventures that might offer insight, inspiration, or encouragement in a stressful and complex world.
Anti-Racism Workgroup meets at 12:30
Sunday, March 16th: Bittersweet: Wisdom from the World of Reading presented by Ellen Greenwood. We live in a world filled with profound discord and personal anxiety. Ellen Greenwood, a lifelong book lover, will share encouragement that she has gleaned from two acclaimed but very different books: Bittersweet by Susan Cain and Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White.
Sunday, March 23rd: All This Juice and All This Joy Rev. Carol Bodeau
Spring is officially here, and it’s time to celebrate the lengthening days. Gerard Manly Hopkins, in his poem “Spring,” describes the season as vibrant, lush and Edenic. But he also hints at the ever-present darkness of our lives. Join us as we celebrate the Spring Equinox, with its mixture of dark and light.
Congregational Meeting after today’s service
Earth Church Ostara Celebration at 2pm
Sunday, March 30th: To See and To Be Seen Rev. Carol Bodeau
In a world where so much of human experience is presented as performative—for example, social media posts turning babies, pets, nature, all of life into short clips for entertainment—and where we feel ‘watched’ at every turn through our devices, what does it really mean to see another? Or to be truly seen?